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Maker Round Up ~ 6 Must Follow Jewelers for Fiber Artists

This post contains links to the web sites and insta profiles of jewelers I find inspiring. It contains no affiliate links or adds. However if you want to support my work, feel free to fuel me with a kofi.

Last winter I got decided it was time to address the chaotic pile of super special earrings that lived on my bathroom counter perpetually threatening to get glopped with tooth paste or splashed with rinse water. So I got crafty and made this jewelry hanger to display my earrings! Check out this blog post for a tutorial to make your own. Because I was reflecting on jewelry and really appreciating the maker's whose work I can now display, I decided to round up 6 must follow jewelers to share with you.

There is magic in our choice of adornment and power in the action of placing those adornments on our bodies. The simple act of choosing earrings for the day can become a ritual when done with intension. Jewelry can empower us to speak up or it can remind us to hush and give others the space they need to express them selves. It can protect us from unwanted energies or it can invite in specific energies we feel we need more of in out lives. I find jewelry especially helpful when I am working to create a new habit or break an old one because when I feel it or see it on my body I am reminded of my commitment to change.

I feel that it is especially empowering, to know where my jewelry came from. Whose hands shaped it? What intention did the maker put into it? Below I share six of my favorite jewelers - quite a few of them are also fiber artists!

Six Jewelry Makers I Love:

Yesenia is a crochet designer and its her mug rug pattern that I turned into my jewelry display! Links to all her platforms can be found in the blog post about it. Her earrings and stitch markers have that boho vibe that is gentle and whispers of slow days so I love wearing them when I need a reminder to be gentle with myself.


Stacy is a crochet designer, a jewelry maker and Stacy's earrings always get attention when I wear them! I have one pair of earrings from BaaHumble but I also have stitch makers from BaaHumble that I wear as earrings sometimes - very handy if I find myself suddenly in need of a progress keeper while out and about ;)

Practicing Elemental Earth Magic while crafting causes each piece Signe creates to be unique. Her knowledge of stones and their properties is incorporated into everything she does and her metal is hand cut and pounded.

Some call it science, I call it magic. What every you call it, Megan's love of Earth and all creatures infuses everything she creates. Working her magic with Nature, metal, and electricity, Megan offers us the opportunity to reaffirm our relationship with all of Nature while wearing her art.

As a metal smith through and through, Rashel shares her passion, her process and her love of her craft. Her commitment to the valley we call home and her honesty in regards to the ups and downs of growing as a human are inspiring. Her work is absolutely stunning and I dream of the day when her art will adorn my body.

In the way back days when I had tiny humans and lived in a dry cabin in Alaska, it was my neighbor Ali whose work that first woke in me an understanding of jewelry as adornments and the magic of intensionally placing art on our bodies. Forever a favorite and inspiring maker in my life, Ali is a must follow for those who wish to learn more about living intensionally.

I would love to hear from you! How do you use your jewelry magically? Do you have favorite makers that I should totally be following? I would love to learn from you. Share in the comments!

Happy Making! ~Sönna

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